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Do you need your racking inspecting?

Let us optimise your warehouse space

Looking for A SPECIALIST?


Stacatruc specialise in the design and supply of all types of racking storage equipment solutions! We have solutions for warehouse racking, shelving systems, mezzanine floors, order picking systems and stockrooms!

  • Inspections are in accordance with SEMA Racking inspection guidelines.
  • All inspections come with free racking report. A visual guide to any damage. Illustrating damage and listing components with their specifications.
  • We can train your staff to carry out weekly inspections correctly.

Are you planning a new layout? Get in touch to design and build for your project.

– We offer practical space saving ideas. Saving you time & money!

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Racking Solutions

Mezzanine Floors
Mezzanine Floors
Rack Inspections
Rack Inspections
Rack Protection
Rack Protection
Racking Accessories
Racking Accessories

Flexible Solutions

We can supply a range of systems and products from various manufacturers including PSS, Link, Apex, Dexion, Storax, Interroll and Wickens.  Our expertise allows us to explore the whole marketplace to source the best fit for your requirements.

Total services provider

  • To prevent and minimise accidents
  • To increase safety in the workplace
  • To comply with the requirements of “The Work Health Safety and Welfare Regulations” & “The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) 1998.”
  • Pallet racking is considered workplace equipment and must be inspected in order for companies to fulfil their Health and Safety obligations in this area.
  • All our pallet racking inspections are carried out by a SEMA (Storage Equipment Manufacturers Association) trained and qualified inspector.

Make the smart move

One simple change to your business can bring great rewards. Forklift trucks, Racking Storage & Equipment Solutions for your business success, you need material handling experts on your side who are hungry for your operations success…Stacatruc is the right partner for you!

Alternatively, you can fill out the form here and we’ll give you a call back regarding your enquiry —Talk soon!

We promise a quick response.


Stacatruc are faithful and devoted to you!